The pagoda is in my front yard. I had taken the photo while I was on the phone. I wasn't happy with the result so I tweaked it with a brush application in my photo editing software. I love the result. I will definatly be printing this and putting it in the office/studio.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Something a little different today.
The pagoda is in my front yard. I had taken the photo while I was on the phone. I wasn't happy with the result so I tweaked it with a brush application in my photo editing software. I love the result. I will definatly be printing this and putting it in the office/studio.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
This is what I did in an hour and a half
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Well, it may be stupid to you....
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I need to add....
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I've got a brand new pair of rollerskates...
Monday, February 18, 2008
Feb 18th
The following photos are from today.
I would love to tell you that I have been brilliantly creative. But, no such luck. I am finding it hard to to be clever right now. I did start a couple of scrap pages, but I didn't finish them. I have some work to do on Tuesday and then hopefully, I will be able to start making some great things.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Very Stressful Time
I expect that I will continue blogging, and posting what I am working on. But as far as the rest of it... I don't know. That is the frustrating part, the not knowing. Well, that and and few other things that I can't share here.
These pics are some I took today of the kids.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
There is so much I should be doing...
I did sketch some the last couple of days. And I have to say I am very pleased with one of them. If I manage to finish it I will post it. I have the very last things to finish up on the girls Valentines.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Sunny Saturday
Thursday, February 7, 2008
How to kill a morning
I love old cemetaries. Some of the very old graves had relatively fresh flowers placed at them. I was particularly touch by this one:
This little girl passed away over fifty years ago and someone still brings her toys.
But I was equally touched by the graves that were little more that a plastic marker. THere were several graves that were a simple marker with the name of the person. It seems easy to make up stories in a cemetary.
Here in the Willamette Valley, moss grows on everything that is not moving. There was wonderful moss on the markers and headstones. I love this stone. I had been concerned that I wouldn't have a suitable replacement for the random Santa segment of this blog. But I have enough photos of the grave markers that I think I may use those for a while.
The area surrounding Eugene is truly beautiful. I have a hard time leaving the house and not finding something that strikes me. What I am discovering is that, I could leave the house every morning and drive in any direction and be amused for hours on end. My dear friend and I can get in the car and yap, yap, yap. That makes the exploring so much more fun.
I think that I will leave it at that right now.
P.S. If , in the course of posting the markers, I post one of a family member or friend of a reader, I hope that I don't offend you. I photographed the ones that I found interesting or that touched me.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Post and Run
I did this to be certain to hear from you all. I would love to hear what you all think of my work. Or what ever. Tell me what you think of art, in gerneral. Whatever, just tell me what you think.
Finally, here are some photos of stuff I have been working on.