Last night around 9p.m. I had this idea. I pictured a tote with this great handle. I love polka dots (I think I have said that before), and I am thinking of what I will make for spring. Some how the two are linked in my mind. Anyway, the above tote is the result of last nights random thought process. I think I might have been able to make two today, but I struggle with my sewing machine. Anyway I posted it on the local sight to try to sell it and we will see what happens.
I started my 52 Projects (write about your ufo sighting, and if you really want to know I will tell you). I will be working on my next one tomorrow. The book suggests writing anonomous letters and placing them in books in the library, or in a thrift store. I don't think I will be doing letters, but I have a couple of poems that I have been fiddling with that are good choices.
Speaking of writing, I would love to suggest the blog raincoatflashers. Just take a look, there is some really good stuff there (including two of my peices).
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