Monday, July 7, 2008

July 7th 2007

Not a whole lot going on. Just trying to find a summer routine that works for everyone. Which is harder than it looks. Here is an interesting tidbit: with three kids in very different age groups, finding common ground is impossible.

We will be moving into a very crazy time in the next week. Sissy play starts production week next week. That means five hours of rehearsal a night for at least five nights. I will be joining her on those nights. I will be tired at the end of the week.

Here is a pic of a card I am working on. It is actually going to be part of a set. I plan on making several sets of four cards. The sets will incluse a birthday, a thank you and a Hi card and then one sort of random card. The plan is to sell them for $5 a set or so. I am still trying to get this off the ground.

I am in the process of researching the possibility of creating my own studio. Actually I want a community art center. There are places here that offer classes and space to work. But I find that they are very expensive and that the average person can't afford them. Especially now, with the economy tanking. I would like very much to make a space for people to come and use art as a way to heal. I know other cities have them. Now, I will be the first to admit that I am not
entirely sure what I want. But I can picture it harkening back to the art center Baker city Oregon had while I was growing up. So, if you have any ideas about how to get started, or if you like to show your support of this idea in some other way, let me know.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you heard of MECCA? It's in the middle of beautiful downtown. I haven't been there, but read an article about it. All recycled stuff, but great things are coming out of it, it appears!