Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another wasted weekend

Before I get into what I want to talk about today, I would like to wish my friend Dave a very happy birthday. The above photo is the result of placing many, many candles on a cupcake. I made vegan cupcakes with vegan frosting and not a one of them came home. Anyway, Happy Birthday, Dave!

I have a tendancy to get very emotionally wrapped up in things that I don't need to. That has happened with my work. And because of that I realized that I was losing me. I think that being the gemini that I am I tend to waffle. I will go from very focused and knowing exactly what I want, and then the very next day I am lost.

I did lose my way just a bit. But I realized much more quickly this time how to get back on track. Months ago I found a book in the library that changed the way I see the world. The Artist's Way had put into words what I had been vaguely trying to express. This book insists that you write three pages long hand every morning. That act will focus you. And you then vent all your anger and bile in the mornign. I had thought that writing morning pages would create a situation in which I then held on to all the anger that I put on the pages. But instead it seems that the pages trap the anger. And it no longer is a part of the focus of my day. I am able to move on.

I have found it hard to stick to all of the things in the book. But the exercises truly help me understand me from an artists point of view. Undersand what holds me back and what my inner deeper goals are. I understand more of why I am doing the self defeating things I am doing.

I did morning pages and I was able to work this afternoon. See below for the fruits of my efforts.

The card is for a little one that is yet to be born. Although I do believe he is late. So, little Erick, when you get here that card is for you!

Blessings and peace!


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