Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Of cookies and dewdrops

I came home from taking Andie to school and noticed the tree ( I think it is a maple, but really I have no idea) was covered in raindrops. They just hung there, sparkling and shiny. The lower branches kept their drops all day. It will be fun to see what the tree looks like in the morning, as we are expecting more rain tonight.

I started working on a couple of new bangles. But... I ran out of the right color of felt for one, and the second one was just not coming together. So I put them aside and went across town to the craft store and "laid in" supplies. I should be able to finish up a couple more by the end of the week. I posted one bangle on a local site and will see what happens. I still want to do a little more research on pricing before I leap into etsy. But I am doing something everyday.

Like making cookies. The girls need healthy snacks at school, so I have taken to making them to the best of my ability. I fell behind, partially because the girls got burned out on muffins and cookies. Anyway, today I made oatmeal cookies with vanilla chips. They were a big hit.

I am also throwing in a random picture of one of the many Santa's that I have collected over the years. I think I will be doing this (again randomly) from now until Christmas. It will help get you in the Christmas spirit.

And finally, I started a weaving project tonight. Yep, weaving. And about 6rows (or what ever) into it , I am getting a big kick out of it. I picked a bright pink for my warp, and a veregated pink yellow orange for my weave. These are the colors of my bedroom. I think I am making a scarf, but who knows what will pop out. I will post it when I am done.

I started reading the big girl badge book (see yesterday). There is a chapter on photography, and I grabbed onto that. I only had time to read a page and a half while I was picking up the girls. In that page and a half, however, I learned quite a bit. Hopefully, you will notice a difference in my photos.

I think that is all for today.

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